Current Desktop beta cycle: 132

Uplifts by Product
79 uplifts

  1. OOM | small (11.43%) Known top crash
  2. OOM | unknown | js::AutoEnterOOMUnsafeRegion::crash_impl | CCGraphBuilder::AddNode (5.71%)
  3. mozilla::GetBootstrap::<T>::operator() (5.14%) 1816848
  4. AsyncShutdownTimeout | IOUtils: waiting for profileBeforeChange IO to complete | JSON store: writing data for 'targeting.snapshot' (4.00%) 1877111
  5. mozilla::net::DocumentChannel::SetLoadFlags (3.43%) 1694904
  6. OOM | unknown | js::AutoEnterOOMUnsafeRegion::crash_impl | js::gc::AllocateTenuredCellInGC (2.86%) 1921815
  7. mozilla::dom::AbstractRange::UpdateCommonAncestorIfNecessary (2.86%) 1921691
Uplifts and Backouts
Bug Component Summary
1913282 Places Use nsIFaviconService::setFaviconForPage() for favicon feed
  1. OOM | small (17.22%) Known top crash
  2. OOM | unknown | js::AutoEnterOOMUnsafeRegion::crash_impl | js::gc::TraceEdgeInternal (5.14%) 1472062
  3. mozilla::net::DocumentChannel::SetLoadFlags (4.37%) 1694904
  4. AsyncShutdownTimeout | IOUtils: waiting for profileBeforeChange IO to complete | JSON store: writing data for 'targeting.snapshot' (3.21%) 1877111
  5. OOM | unknown | js::AutoEnterOOMUnsafeRegion::crash_impl | js::gc::AllocateTenuredCellInGC (3.21%) 1921815
  6. AsyncShutdownTimeout | AddonManager: Waiting to start provider shutdown. | AddonRepository Background Updater (2.06%) 1841444
  7. mozilla::dom::quota::QuotaManager::Shutdown::<T>::operator() (2.06%) 1872960
Uplifts and Backouts
Bug Component Summary
1919721 Toolbars and Customization Bookmarks bar empty, pinned extensions gone, buttons gone etc. 132.0a1 (2024-09-18) (aarch64) macOS 15.1 Beta 4 and again in 133.0a1 (2024-09-30) and macOS 15.1 Beta 5
1920319 Sidebar Perma TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | browser/components/sidebar/tests/browser/browser_a11y_sidebar.js | Uncaught exception in test bound test_keyboard_navigation_vertical_tabs - Two tabs are open. - timed out after 50 t when Gecko 132 merges to beta on 2024-09-30
1920961 General depends on reftests being listed at specific line numbers in reftest.list files
1921257 Sidebar Content area box-shadow and outline cut off when sidebar is set to positionend in revamp.
1921797 Widget: Cocoa Crash in [@ mozilla::AspectRatio::ApplyTo] from nsCocoaUtils::CreateNSImageFromImageContainer
1921838 Lint and Formatting Upgrade eslint-plugin-no-unsanitized and others to pull in latest fixes
1912537 N/A N/A
1920381 N/A N/A
1914521 N/A N/A
  1. OOM | small (16.90%) Known top crash
  2. OOM | unknown | js::AutoEnterOOMUnsafeRegion::crash_impl | js::gc::GetGCKindSlots (3.76%) 1472062
  3. OOM | unknown | js::AutoEnterOOMUnsafeRegion::crash_impl | js::AutoEnterOOMUnsafeRegion::crash | js::gc::AllocateTenuredCellInGC (3.72%) 1472062
  4. mozilla::net::DocumentChannel::SetLoadFlags (3.31%) 1694904
  5. js::gc::detail::CellHasStoreBuffer (2.11%) 1541905
  6. mozilla::dom::quota::QuotaManager::Shutdown::<T>::operator() (1.94%) 1872960
  7. OOM | large | mozilla::JSHolderMap::Put (1.74%) 1892171
Uplifts and Backouts
Bug Component Summary
1871470 Design System and Theming Create a top-level `TextField` Composable
1921182 Graphics: WebGPU Undefined symbol wgpu_vkimage_create_with_dma_buf first referenced in file Unified_cpp_dom_webgpu0.o
1921384 Console Built-in console functions no longer work in the Service Worker console
1921421 JavaScript Engine Hit MOZ_CRASH(Mode modifiers not supported) at js/src/irregexp/RegExpAPI.cpp:120
1921539 Sidebar Sidebar button has no label when moved to the overflow menu
1920423 N/A N/A
  1. OOM | small (16.14%) Known top crash
  2. OOM | unknown | js::AutoEnterOOMUnsafeRegion::crash_impl | JS::CallbackTracer::onEdge (4.18%) 1891944
  3. OOM | unknown | js::AutoEnterOOMUnsafeRegion::crash_impl | js::gc::AllocateTenuredCellInGC (4.00%) 1921815
  4. mozilla::net::DocumentChannel::SetLoadFlags (3.30%) 1694904
  5. OOM | large | mozilla::JSHolderMap::Put (2.24%) 1892171
  6. mozilla::dom::quota::QuotaManager::Shutdown::<T>::operator() (2.18%) 1872960
  7. OOM | unknown | js::AutoEnterOOMUnsafeRegion::crash_impl | js::gc::GetGCKindSlots (1.88%) 1472062
Uplifts and Backouts
Bug Component Summary
1918617 Responsive Design Mode Alert/prompt/confirm dialogue text missing in responsive design mode
1920061 Picture-in-Picture Frequent switching between normal video and pip resulted in the video image no longer appearing in the pip window, although the audio would play.
1920755 Panning and Zooming 'interactive-widget' meta viewport key not behaving correctly when showing a virtual keyboard (on Android 10)
1921662 SVG The SVG text along a path becomes misaligned in Firefox Developer Edition when the path has a non-1 scale transform, unlike in other browsers where it displays correctly.
1921762 Tabbed Browser Partially dragged tabs no longer smoothly reset their position
1921937 Inspector: Rules [InactiveCSS] incorrect inactive CSS on pseudo element when pseudo element node is selected
1922066 Toolbar New top toolbar position default should only apply to new users
1922511 Inspector: Rules Don't send custom property declarations to getCSSDeclarationBlockIssues
1917742 N/A N/A
  1. OOM | small (14.35%) Known top crash
  2. OOM | unknown | js::AutoEnterOOMUnsafeRegion::crash_impl | js::gc::AllocateTenuredCellInGC (4.49%) 1921815
  3. OOM | unknown | js::AutoEnterOOMUnsafeRegion::crash_impl | JS::CallbackTracer::onEdge (3.33%) 1891944
  4. mozilla::net::DocumentChannel::SetLoadFlags (2.65%) 1694904
  5. OOM | unknown | js::AutoEnterOOMUnsafeRegion::crash_impl | js::gc::TraceEdgeInternal (2.39%) 1472062
  6. AsyncShutdownTimeout | IOUtils: waiting for profileBeforeChange IO to complete | JSON store: writing data for 'targeting.snapshot' (1.75%) 1877111
  7. js::gc::detail::CellHasStoreBuffer (1.67%) 1541905
Uplifts and Backouts
Bug Component Summary
1878838 UI Tests Intermittent UI test failure - < CookieBannerBlockerTest. verifyCFRAfterBlockingTheCookieBanner >
1908056 WebRTC: Audio/Video Slack huddles are not working anymore with Firefox 132 (add legacy exception for Slack)
1910641 Messaging System Update the "Finish Setup" toolbar button for the onboarding setup checklist experiment
1916274 Machine Learning Improve nimbus chatbot behaviors, e.g., rollout and slugs
1918416 Toolbar [Toolbar Redesign] Download complete dialog is overlapped by navigation bar when changing the orientation from Landscape to Portrait
1919031 Site Reports - Meatball menu from posts does not work
1919526 Find Backend "Find in page" is broken on webkit blog
1921146 DOM: Selection Caret does not appear in the input field contenteditable on and also on `AI Chatbot` sidebar(Settings > Firefox Labs > AI Chatbot > ChatGPT)
1921719 Shell Integration [Linux] Crash at nsGNOMEShellHistorySearchResult::HandleSearchResultReply()
1922215 General Back pressing with no fragment handling the back action results in a loop and a crash
1922278 Graphics VR180 and 360 YouTube videos not working in Firefox 131
1922316 Sidebar Only set sidebar nimbus prefs with a minVersion check
1922618 PDF Viewer Issues Viewing PDF Properties- Creation and Modification Dates
1922752 Themes [Uncomposited X11] Scrolling indicator is broken (loss of transparency/contains black background)
1922789 Experimentation and Telemetry [Experiment] The default prompt is not displayed when the contitions are met while enrolled in the `Set to Default Prompt` experiment
1923367 Theme Go back to using the dropdown icon for all-tabs button when it's in the tabs toolbar
1920264 N/A N/A
1917536 N/A N/A
1923344 N/A N/A
  1. OOM | small (18.22%) Known top crash
  2. OOM | unknown | js::AutoEnterOOMUnsafeRegion::crash_impl | js::gc::AllocateTenuredCellInGC (6.07%) 1921815
  3. mozilla::net::DocumentChannel::SetLoadFlags (5.26%) 1694904
  4. OOM | unknown | js::AutoEnterOOMUnsafeRegion::crash_impl | js::gc::GetGCKindSlots (4.05%) 1472062
  5. js::gc::HeaderWord::get (4.05%) 1895101
  6. OOM | large | mozilla::JSHolderMap::Put (2.02%) 1892171
  7. js::gc::detail::CellHasStoreBuffer (2.02%) 1541905
Uplifts and Backouts
Bug Component Summary
1687153 Search Search keyword is not consistent with localized Wikipedia search engine name
1878837 UI Tests Intermittent UI test failure - < SettingsAddonsTest. verifyUBlockWorksInNormalModeTest >
1908112 Security: PSM Ship TLS Certificate Compression in Release
1921756 WebDriver BiDi isBrowsingContextCompatible can throw if currentWindowGlobal is not available and fail broadcasts
1922134 Bookmarks Reload the bookmarks panel after signing in to sync
1922137 Bookmarks Bookmarks are not deleted if we leave the panel before the snackbar is dismissed
1922140 Bookmarks Snackbar crash from using `first`
1922701 Bookmarks Going through the add folder from select folder from edit bookmark flow is broken
1922707 XPCOM Quietly exit content processes on release that can't find an omnijar, on Android
1923186 New Tab Page Enable topic labels for US/CA
1923238 New Tab Page [Unified Ads API Integr] change endpoint hit for unified ads DELETE request
1923240 New Tab Page [Unified Ads API Integr] Tiles request is no longer properly handling tiles cache timeout
1923287 Networking Update neqo to v0.9.2
1923289 Widget: Gtk [X11, no compositing] Menu popups have double border on left or bottom side
1923420 Safe Browsing The outdated list chunks don't properly clear if using Remote Settings to fetch list.
1923500 Privacy: Anti-Tracking Firefox 131 Enhanced Tracking Protection major breakage of multiple banks Bill Pay services
1923604 N/A N/A
1921201 N/A N/A
1914707 N/A N/A
1917536 N/A N/A
Uplifts and Backouts
Bug Component Summary
1890306 Performance Upgrade to mitmproxy 10 or greater on Android
1909415 Networking: Cache 7.17% netflix loadtime (Linux) regression on Wed July 17 2024
1915462 Performance Finalize a51->a55 transition
1918681 Toolbars and Customization "List all tabs" button impossible to remove
1919628 mozperftest CVNE Sep 16 improvements
1920960 DOM: Navigation Simplify nsDocShellLoadState::CalculateChannelLoadFlags argument
1921972 Site Reports Large spike in crashes [@ mozilla::net::DocumentChannel::SetLoadFlags]
1922094 Performance Add opt builds for a55
1922360 Performance Duplicate a55 config temporarily to fix naming convention
1923171 Bookmarks Fix string quarantine
1923429 Bookmarks Dropdown menus should be anchored over the 3-dot menu
1923741 Audio/Video: GMP Add telemetry to check if the temporary folder is writable
1923774 Audio/Video: Playback Handle the case for marker when media key is null
1923897 New Tab Page Logic calculating matches_selected_topic telemetry attribute may block certain telemetry events from firing if set incorrectly
1923706 N/A N/A