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Nightly builds (crashes and bug fixes)

«  Tuesday, March 25, 2025 


Outstanding bugs
Bug Component Impact Summary
1931407 JavaScript: WebAssembly 2
priority 3
type 1
regressions -2
CompileStreaming constructs full module bytecode and then ModuleGenerator::finishModule breaks it apart
1941595 Widget: Cocoa 31
priority 3
severity 2
type 2
keywords 2
duplicates 20
cc 2
macOS main menu looks inactive after switching to Firefox
1946776 UI Widgets 1
type 1
Add support for accesskey to moz-box-button
1947813 New Tab Page 1
type 1
Create error states that may occur uploading a custom wallpaper
1949799 Downloads 1
type 1
[Downloads v2] Update downloads screen empty state
1949814 DOM: Performance APIs 1
type 1
Implement `Performance.interactionCount`
1950414 mozperftest 6
priority 3
severity 2
type 1
Change Mochitest names to match filename in metadata
1951734 JavaScript: Standard Library 4
priority 3
type 1
1953478 Address Bar 5
priority 4
type 1
Add "history" keyboard for Clear History action
1953482 Address Bar 5
priority 4
type 1
Implement new "Help" quickaction
1953489 Address Bar 5
priority 4
type 1
duplicates 2
regressions -2
Create new Firefox View quickaction
1954361 Widget: Win32 1
type 1
Allow to customize the mica backdrop we use for top levels.
1954834 New Tab Page 1
type 1
Add configurable file size limitation to custom wallpaper
1955332 Privacy: Anti-Tracking 3
type 1
duplicates 2
Collect fingerprinted fonts present
1955388 Tabbed Browser 19
priority 5
severity 5
type 2
duplicates 2
see_also 1
tracking_firefox137 4
Possible to break pinned tabs out of bounds after opening Firefox View (Ensure #moveTabNextTo doesn't mix pinned tabs with unpinned tabs)
1955498 New Tab Page 1
type 1
Add the new context menu to billboard/leaderboard ads on New Tab
1955866 New Tab Page -1
type 1
regressions -2
Clean up New Tab Customization Panel
1955876 New Tab Page 1
type 1
Clean up New Tab Settings Page
1956028 New Tab Page 1
type 1
Add `customWallpaper.uploadedPreviously` attribute to wallpaper_click telemetry event
1956088 Audio/Video: Playback 3
type 1
duplicates 2
Update opus to new version d4494e6ed7d564cbee3cfdfe41d0c0989c4345ff from 2025-03-24 10:38:14
1956131 Bookmarks 1
type 1
Pin folders to the top
Other bugs
Bug Component Impact Summary
1909470 Crash Reporting 7
priority 3
severity 2
type 2
Cannot always read /proc/pid/auxv during minidump generation
1917874 Audio/Video: Playback 7
priority 4
severity 1
type 2
HEVC Content on twitch does not have the correct width or height
1932679 Raptor 6
priority 3
severity 2
see_also 1
re-enable chrome-release and chromium-as-realease raptor tests on x64 mac
1934246 DOM: Core & HTML 0
Get rid of dom.popup.experimental
1934683 DOM: Performance APIs 0
Implement PerformanceEventTiming.interactionId (needed for INP, i.e. "interaction-to-next-paint")
1937245 JavaScript: WebAssembly 4
priority 4
[wasm-jspi] Process suspending calls with Promise.resolve().
1939962 JavaScript Engine: JIT 15
priority 5
severity 2
type 2
keywords 2
duplicates 4
MOZ_CRASH() at src/js/src/jit/arm64/vixl/MacroAssembler-vixl.cpp:2030
1943657 Shopping 8
priority 4
severity 2
type 2
Keep closed message appears on opt-in UI empty state after turning off RC
1945164 Search 0
[Search Consolidation] Modify SearchEngineReader class to be able read results from SearchEngineSelector API
1947997 Sidebar 4
priority 5
regressions -2
see_also 1
Make a user set branch and change approach to default tools
1948647 DOM: Performance APIs 7
severity 5
type 2
"first-input" event timing "event name" is decided incorrectly compared to the web platform tests
1949124 Search 3
priority 3
Update the engine selector for desktop to default to alphabetical ordering, similar to the Rust based engine selector
1950198 Startup and Profile System 10
priority 3
severity 2
type 2
duplicates 2
see_also 1
Correct styling details for profile editor
1950200 Release Automation 0
Make it possible to do regex replacements when running bump-central job, and automatically bump the major version of the webcompat addon when central is bumped
1950207 New Tab Page 3
priority 3
Automatically bump the major version of the newtab addon when central is bumped
1950311 General 0
Add a CSP to the remaining devtools documents
1950485 Bookmarks 0
Set flag for using composified bookmarks to default on
1951426 New Tab Page 0
Request messages from messaging system in newtab
1951677 Downloads 4
priority 4
[Downloads v2] Add new strings for downloads
1951782 New Tab Page 0
Create wrapper component for messages from OMC
1953632 New Tab Page 0
Add custom Wallpaper highlight
1953838 Shopping 0
The Dropdown options from the Review Checker Callout 3 are missing
1953924 UI Widgets 7
priority 3
severity 2
type 2
moz-box component file location causing storybook console errors
1953978 Mach Core 3
severity 1
type 2
bash-completion script generated by mach-completion does not work with Bash 3 (macOS)
1954448 Disability Access APIs 0
Accessibility tests use inline scripts in a browser context
1954751 Disability Access APIs 6
severity 2
type 2
keywords 2
Crash [@ get]
1954848 New Tab Page 0
Write XPCShell test for NewtabMessaging.sys.mjs
1954854 Lint and Formatting 3
priority 3
xpidl out parameters that are turned into return types for JavaScript should not be marked as OutParam<> in TypeScript
1954867 Machine Learning 2
type 2
Improve progress bar handling for aggregated progress bar
1955057 Graphics: WebGPU 5
priority 5
Move `GPUAdapter.isFallbackAdapter` to `GPUAdapterInfo`
1955115 Graphics: CanvasWebGL 9
priority 5
severity 2
type 2
GetShaderPrecisionFormat does sync IPC
1955244 Startup and Profile System 12
priority 5
severity 5
type 2
Add the link required for the new SUMO article when clicking the "Learn more" link from about:newprofile
1955358 Tooling 0
Android Studio does not follow `mozilla-central.mozconfig` in anymore
1955394 Tabbed Browser 0
Add Nimbus Recipe for Smart Tab Groups
1955398 Graphics: WebRender 0
Skip creating a tile cache slice when shared clip root is different
1955402 General 2
type 2
adjust a11y metadata for activity, active AT use
1955442 New Tab Page 8
priority 4
severity 2
type 2
wallpaperUpload() throws "file.arrayBuffer is not a function" error
1955683 Privacy 0
Create composable UI for PBM locked page
1955697 Web Painting 6
priority 4
severity 2
Clean up canvas frame background drawing
1955782 General 0
Frequent [tier 2] mozilla/tests/webgpu/cts/webgpu/api/validation/state/device_lost/destroy/cts.https.html | single tracking bug
1955801 IPC 0
Fix non-unified build error in SharedMemoryPlatform_mach.cpp on macOS
1955808 Normandy Client 7
priority 5
severity 2
Remove MessagingExperimentAction.sys.mjs
1955854 Style Editor 4
type 2
keywords 2
style editor: pasting code via context menu duplicates code
1955957 JavaScript Engine 0
Update test262 (March 24, 2025)
1955997 Performance Tools (Profiler/Timeline) 0
Perma [tier 2] devtools/client/performance-new/test/browser/browser_aboutprofiling-more-actions-menu.js | Node is not accessible via accessibility API: id: , tagName: PANEL-ITEM, className: -
1956041 New Tab Page 2
type 2
Custom wallpaper `uploadedPreviously` pref should not be reset when wallpaper is set to default
  1. OOM | small (10.94%) Known top crash
  2. libgmpopenh264.dylib (10.94%) Top crash
  3. mozilla::ipc::PortLink::SendMessage | IPC_Message_Name=PWebGPU::Msg_RenderPass (9.38%) 1912550
  4. abort | (7.81%)
  5. IPCError-browser | ShutDownKill (6.25%) Known top crash
  6. OOM | unknown | js::AutoEnterOOMUnsafeRegion::crash_impl | js::AutoEnterOOMUnsafeRegion::crash | js::gc::AllocateTenuredCellInGC (6.25%)
  7. IPCError-browser | GPUProcessKill (3.13%)
  8. mozilla::MozPromise<T>::ThenValueBase::ResolveOrRejectRunnable::~ResolveOrRejectRunnable (3.13%)
  9. mozilla::RestyleManager::ElementStateChanged (3.13%)
  10. @0x32983ebbae3 (1.56%)
  11. AsyncShutdownTimeout | profile-before-change | Sqlite.sys.mjs shutdown blocker (1.56%)
  12. AsyncShutdownTimeout | profile-change-teardown | ServiceWorkerShutdownBlocker: shutting down Service Workers (1.56%)
  13. HandleGLibMessage (1.56%)
  14. JSAtom::hash (1.56%)
  15. NewArrayBufferObject<T> (1.56%)
  16. OOM | unknown | js::AutoEnterOOMUnsafeRegion::crash_impl | js::AutoEnterOOMUnsafeRegion::crash | js::Nursery::maybeMoveRawBufferOnPromotion (1.56%)
  17. OOM | unknown | js::AutoEnterOOMUnsafeRegion::crash_impl | js::gc::TraceEdgeInternal (1.56%)
  18. OOM | unknown | rlbox::detail::convert_type_non_class (1.56%)
  19. SetEvent | <unknown in igd10iumd64.dll> | CGeometryShader::CLS::FinalConstruct (1.56%)
  20. core::option::expect_failed | hashbrown::control::group::sse2::Group::match_empty (1.56%)

Outstanding bugs
Bug Component Impact Summary
1955463 Android Studio and Gradle Integration 1
type 1
Consider automatically using debug signingConfig when running `./mach install` or `./mach run`
1955866 New Tab Page -1
type 1
regressions -2
Clean up New Tab Customization Panel
Other bugs
Bug Component Impact Summary
1947520 Performance 0
Delay initialization of microsurveys until after the page has completely loaded
1950731 Bookmarks 4
severity 2
type 2
Firefox Android fails to show bookmark folders with blank name
1955472 Bookmarks 4
severity 2
type 2
Clear out selected items on BackClicked
1955488 Bookmarks 4
severity 2
type 2
select folder screen is broken with many nested folders
1955503 Startup and Profile System 0
Perma [tier 2] a11y browser/components/profiles/tests/browser/browser_preferences.js | Node is not focusable via the accessibility API: id: dataCollectionViewProfiles, tagName: html:a, className: -
1955872 Third Party Packaging 0
Perma [tier 2] Snap selenium.common.exceptions.WebDriverException: Message: System access is required to switch to chrome scope. Start Firefox with "-remote-allow-system-access" to enable it.
1956147 Tooling 0
Update AGP to version 8.9.1
  1. mozilla::ipc::PortLink::SendMessage | IPC_Message_Name=PWebGPU::Msg_RenderPass (32.97%) Top crash 1912550
  2. OOM | unknown | js::AutoEnterOOMUnsafeRegion::crash_impl | mozilla::BitSet<T>::FindNext (5.49%)
  3. IPCError-browser | ShutDownKill (3.30%) Known top crash
  4. wgpu_hal::auxil::dxgi::result::impl$0::into_device_result::closure$0<T> (3.30%)
  5. AsyncShutdownTimeout | IOUtils: waiting for sendTelemetry IO to complete | TelemetryController: shutting down (2.20%)
  6. EnterJit (2.20%)
  7. OOM | large | alloc::raw_vec::handle_error (2.20%)
  8. OOM | unknown | js::AutoEnterOOMUnsafeRegion::crash_impl | js::AutoEnterOOMUnsafeRegion::crash | js::gc::AllocateTenuredCellInGC (2.20%)
  9. SetEvent | igd10iumd64.dll | new (2.20%)
  10. js::frontend::ParseNode::getKind (2.20%)
  11. js::gc::detail::ChunkPtrHasStoreBuffer (2.20%)
  12. mozilla::MozPromise<T>::ThenValueBase::ResolveOrRejectRunnable::~ResolveOrRejectRunnable (2.20%)
  13. mozilla::wr::RenderCompositorNative::AddSurface (2.20%)
  14. <unknown in nvd3dumx.dll> | d3d9.dll (1.10%)
  15. <unknown in nvwgf2umx.dll> | CVideoProcessorInputView::CLS::FinalConstruct (1.10%)
  16. @0x36fd39162f1f (1.10%)
  17. AsyncShutdownTimeout | IOUtils: waiting for profileBeforeChange IO to complete | CrashMonitor: Writing notifications to file after receiving profile-before-change and awaiting all checkpoints written (1.10%)
  18. CFRunLoopWakeUp (1.10%)
  19. EnterBaseline (1.10%)
  20. IPCError-browser | GPUProcessKill (1.10%)

Outstanding bugs
Bug Component Impact Summary
1899503 DOM: Workers 7
priority 4
severity 2
type 1
Making WorkerDebugger communication through IPC instead of runnable dispatching between threads.
1930500 Data Sanitization 7
priority 4
severity 2
type 1
Restore `Clear-Site-Data: cache` functionality
1949770 JavaScript Engine: JIT 4
priority 3
type 1
Remove unreachable code for Int64/IntPtr when LAllocation is ARGUMENT_SLOT in CodeGeneratorShared::encodeAllocation
1952221 Networking: DNS 5
priority 4
type 1
Add telemetry to track potential breakage due to larger DNS grace period
1954446 Widget: Gtk -1
type 1
regressions -2
Create DMABuf buffer by EGL_dmabuf_export for NVIDIA
1955230 JavaScript: Internationalization API 7
priority 4
type 1
duplicates 2
Remove unused UTF-8 code path from FormatBuffer::toString
1955950 Graphics: WebRender 1
type 1
Add a capability to use DCompositionSurface instead of swap chain with layer compositor enabled
Other bugs
Bug Component Impact Summary
1775913 Form Autofill 9
priority 3
severity 2
type 2
duplicates 2
Intermittent browser/extensions/formautofill/test/browser/creditCard/browser_creditCard_telemetry.js | single tracking bug
1822665 Settings UI 7
priority 3
severity 2
type 2
Multiple settings dialogs are trying to use a "Help" button that is no longer supported in MozDialog
1828113 Networking 8
priority 4
severity 2
type 2
about:neterror - No strings exist for error: corruptedContentErrorv2
1913456 Form Autofill 3
priority 3
[IT][] Multiple issues with Address capture, storage, and Autofill feature
1916581 JavaScript Engine: JIT 13
priority 5
severity 2
type 2
keywords 2
duplicates 2
Assertion failure: isLowered()
1928604 Form Autofill 3
priority 3
[IN][] Autofill is not working on Address field
1947395 UI Tests 7
priority 3
severity 2
type 2
Intermittent UI test failure - < SettingsSearchTest. verifyShowSearchSuggestionsToggleTest >
1950710 Telemetry 1
see_also 1
Migrate histograms to Glean - part 3 landing in Firefox 138
1951881 Audio/Video 5
priority 3
severity 2
Enable WebVTT that were disabled for now-fixed bugs
1954109 Debugger 8
priority 4
severity 2
type 2
Breakpoint not shown in the gutter of a pretty-printed file
1954637 General 14
priority 5
severity 5
type 2
keywords 2
Extension with empty background.scripts fails to load in Firefox 136
1955050 Framework 0
The `cm6` variant should test cm5
1955331 General 0
dagre-d3.js uses an inline style (used in Memory tab)
1955631 DOM: Security 0
Improve message for CSP related crash on internal pages
1955650 Bookmarks & History 0
Remove unused strings from
1955697 Web Painting 6
priority 4
severity 2
Clean up canvas frame background drawing
1955976 Debugger 0
Perma [tier 2] devtools/client/debugger/test/mochitest/browser_dbg-preview-multiple-threads.js | Node is not accessible via accessibility API: id: , tagName: DIV, className: label -
1956168 General 0
Remove unused strings in DevTools
1956181 WebDriver BiDi 4
priority 4
[wdspec] Extend timeout for /mozilla/tests/webdriver/bidi/browser/close/