Endpoint | Description |
/ | Homepage with a simple overview of the releases in flight |
about | Get the list of views and public JSON API endpoints |
beta | Get the state of what was uplifted in the current beta cycle |
calendar | Overview of our upcoming releases |
calendar/monthly | General calendar view of milestones for upcoming releases |
Provides the list of nightly buildIDs for a day: crashes, changelog, bugs fixed |
Provides historical data for past releases and basic release date information for future releases. The nightly , beta , release and esr values are aliases to the current real version numbers.The esr view is mostly a schedule of incoming releases and indicates when a new ESR branch happens in the year.
release/owners | List all past releases per release owner |
Endpoint | Description |
api/beta/crashes | Gives the crashes for all our current betas (data from Socorro) |
api/esr/releases | Release dates for all ESR releases (including dot releases) |
api/external | Gives the list of external APIs this site depends on to build data. |
api/firefox/releases | Release dates for all past Firefox releases (including dot releases) |
api/nightly/?date=20250122 | Provides the list of nightly build IDs for a day and the changeset they were built from (data from buildhub) |
api/nightly/crashes/?buildid=20190927094817 | Gives the crashes for a buildID (data from Socorro) |
Gives either the scheduled milestones for an upcoming major Desktop version or the actual schedule of builds for a past release.
Can be a version number or one of the release , beta or nightly keywords. |
api/release/duty | Historical list of all release engineers on release duty for the cycle |
api/release/owners | Historical list of all release managers for Firefox major releases |
Endpoint | Description |
calendar/release/schedule/?version=135 | Download an icalendar (.ics) file of an upcoming release milestones. |
rss | Subscribe to our RSS feed to get a notification when a new Firefox release is out. |
What | Who |
Circle Icons | Train favicon by Nick Roach |
Code | Source code for this website. |